Easy and Delicious No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Cake Recipe

No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Cake Recipe, easy and delicious, quick dessert option, fluffy and heavenly cake, minimal ingredients, culinary adventure, healthy dessert, irresistible combination, chocolate and coconut.

Indulge in the delight of creating a scrumptious, no-bake chocolate coconut pie without the hassle of using an oven. This recipe is perfect for both novice cooks and those seeking a quick and effortless dessert option. With minimal ingredients and simple steps, you’ll be treated to a fluffy and heavenly cake that will leave you craving for more. So, let’s dive into this delectable no-bake pie recipe that is bound to satisfy your taste buds. We invite you to join us in this culinary adventure, as we guide you through the process of crafting a healthy and heavenly dessert.

Calories: Per Serving: 258 kcal

Serving Size: 12 persons

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 0 minutes

Ingredients for the No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Pie Recipe:

For the Base:

  • 1.5 packages of Cocoa Graham crackers  or Digestive biscuits optional (Shortbread biscuits ,Chocolate wafer cookies )
  • 3-4 tablespoons of melted butter
  • 1/2 water glass of milk
  • 1 tea cup of powdered hazelnuts (optional)

For the Cream:

  • 1 package of uncooked vanilla pudding
  • 1 package of powdered whipped cream
  • 2 water glasses of cold milk
  • 1.5 water glasses of coconut

For the Topping:

  • 100 grams of dark chocolate (shaved)

Key Tip for the No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Pie Recipe: Allow the pie to chill in the refrigerator for a minimum of 3-4 hours, preferably overnight. The consistency of the uncooked pudding and whipped cream may vary. Adjust the amount of milk according to the instructions provided on the instant pudding and whipped cream packages.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Begin by rinsing the biscuits and hazelnuts, then place them in a large mixing bowl. Add the melted butter to the bowl.
  • Mix in the milk thoroughly using your hands or a spoon.
  • Line the bottom of a round tin with baking paper, then transfer the biscuit mixture into the tin. Press it firmly onto the bottom of the mold using a flat-bottomed glass. Allow it to rest in the refrigerator.
  • In separate bowls, whisk the powdered pudding with 1 glass of milk and the whipped cream with 1 glass of milk until both are well combined. Then, combine the two mixtures, stirring slowly with a spoon or spatula. Take care not to deflate the whipped cream.
  • Add the coconut to the mixture and continue to mix until evenly combined.
  • Transfer the creamy mixture to the springform mold, smoothing the top surface.
  • Cover the mold with cling wrap and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours, preferably overnight.
  • Carefully run a knife along the edges of the cake while it is in the refrigerator, separating it from the mold.
  • Serve the pie with a drizzle of shaved dark chocolate on top and garnish with additional ingredients such as fruit, fruit sauce, caramel, hazelnuts, or peanuts, if desired.
  • Sit back, savor the flavors, and enjoy your delightful creation!

Serving Suggestion for the No-Bake Chocolate Coconut Pie Recipe: For an extra touch of elegance, consider serving the pie alongside fresh fruits or complementing it with a variety of delicious toppings like fruit sauce, caramel, hazelnuts, or peanuts. Let your creativity shine as you present this irresistible treat to your guests or enjoy it as a personal indulgence .


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